Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) is a City of Toronto project, led by community anchor partners in four areas across the City. The four anchor partners are: Gerstein Crisis Centre (Divisions 11,13,14, 22, 51, 52, 53 and 55 ), TAIBU (Divisions 41, 42 and 43), CMHA (Divisions12, 23 and 31), and 2-Spirited People of the First Nations (City-Wide Crisis Support for people who identify as Indigenous).
TCCS provides a community-based response to mental health and/or substance use crises, utilizing an equity based, anti-racist, person-centred, trauma-informed response. TCCS is designed to move away from unnecessary police responses wherever possible, and connect people to the resources they need in the community.
As with all Gerstein Crisis Centre services, the downtown pilot is guided by the voices of people with lived experience of mental health and substance use and the diversity of our teams reflect the communities we serve.
TCCS responds to calls from people in crisis who are not at immediate risk of harm to self or others and to requests for well-being checks.
There are multiple access points to arrange a crisis visit with Gerstein’s TCCS Mobile Team:
Call 211, 911, or the 24/7 Gerstein Crisis line: (416) 929-5200.
Toronto Community Crisis Service Service Areas
Gerstein Crisis Centre TCCS Boundaries

TCCS Service Areas
For more information about TCCS and to view the TCCS Service Map, visit: https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/public-safety-alerts/community-safety-programs/toronto-community-crisis-service/toronto-community-crisis-service-areas/#location=&lat=43.684617&lng=-79.440768&zoom=12