Finding Recovery Through Exercise Skills and Hope (F.R.E.S.H.)
F.R.E.S.H. is a Gerstein Crisis Centre initiative that uses a peer-led model to help people get active, strengthen their community and social connections, develop new skills and knowledge, and have fun.
Group activities include yoga, gym groups, boxing, ball hockey, Streets 2 Trails, and walking groups.
For participants who would like to take their fitness to a higher level, individualized one to one sessions with a F.R.E.S.H worker/fitness partner are available.
All past and present clients of the Gerstein Crisis Centre and of our partners at Houselink Community Homes, University Health Network Withdrawal Management Site, Edmond Place, and Reconnect are welcome.
Participant Experiences
“The combination of exercise and social interaction is very healing. It’s confidence building.”
“It got me out of the house. I’m not all by myself, I like the company, and I’m smoking less.”
“I had more control over my body and knew I was getting stronger. It was very empowering.”
“The project gave me the idea that it’s not too late to do new things.”
“It helped me in my battle to keep weight down and blood pressure low.”
– In the words of F.R.E.S.H. participants
All F.R.E.S.H workers have lived experience of mental health and addictions and have navigated through many of the issues participants are facing. They have a passion for physical activity, education, and social/community involvement.
Thanks to our community partners the ROM, the AGO, Central and West End YMCA, the Bob Abate Community Centre, Street 2 Trail, and the Dufferin Grove Park. Gerstein Crisis Centre’s F.R.E.S.H. project offers over 50 recreational and social activities per week.
For more information on how to participate in these activities, contact Michael Aucoin at (647) 462-9601 or by email
There is a pick-up ball hockey group every Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:00 pm at the Bob Abate Community Centre. No registration is required and Gretzky wannabes are welcome!